Planning Beyond Boundaries

Planning Beyond Boundaries includes a new appendix entitled "Planning Together to Survive Zoning Challenges."  Written by Mike Frank of the Heritage Conservancy, this paper provides guidance to municipal officials and planners regarding fair share housing and rural zoning standards.  

10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania previously published Planning Beyond Boundaries - A Multi-Municipal Planning and Implementation Manual for Pennsylvania Municipalities. Authored and edited primarily by Joanne R. Denworth, former president of 10,000 Friends, the manual is a how-to guide for municipalities that choose to work together through agreements to develop and implement a multi-municipal plan as authorized by the 2000 amendments to the Municipalities Planning Code.  

The manual includes articles and contributions from Pennsylvania planners, lawyers, and others with special expertise in land use issues, and is chock full of details on planning practices and tools, case studies, sample agreements, legal analyses and other useful information. It's seven chapters are: Why Do It?; Getting Started; Planning I; Planning II; Adopting the Plan; Implementation; and Special Implementation Topics, including articles on planning for housing, infrastructure, water resources, open space, traditional neighborhood development, the specific plan, transfer of development rights, infill development, brownfields, transit-oriented development, and sharing of tax revenues.  

The manual was developed with support from several foundations, as well as DCED's Center for Local Government Services. It is being used in Center training programs on multi-municipal planning and implementation, and is also available to interested municipal officials, professionals, and citizens.  

Planning Beyond Boundaries is available electronically below.  We are no longer offering it in hard copy.

Title Page89.78 KB
Introduction133.17 KB
Table of Contents82.85 KB
Index to Appendices53.41 KB
Chapter 1 - Why do it?282.47 KB
Chapter 1 Appendix230.7 KB
Chapter 2 - Getting Started186 KB
Chapter 2 Appendix276.26 KB
Chapter 3 - Planning I936.92 KB
Chapter 3 Appendix259.77 KB
Chapter 4 - Planning II542.38 KB
Chapter 4 Appendix145.25 KB
Chapter 5 - Adoption of the Multi-Muncipal Plan106.18 KB
Chapter 5 Appendix73.94 KB
Chapter 6 - Implementation1.44 MB
Chapter 6 Appendix351.97 KB
Chapter 7 - Special Implementation Topics1.1 MB
Chapter 7 - Appendix202.61 KB